SNHU School of Education
2500 North River Road
Manchester, NH 03106
Breakthrough Manchester College-Bound at SNHU (BTM-CB) is a tuition-free program guided by a mission to give continued support in academic growth, educational enrichment, college-readiness, and essential skill-building to highly motivated, under-resourced high school students while inspiring the next generation of well-rounded leaders and educators.
BTM-CB continues the college-access pipeline for students who entered the program as rising 7th graders through Breakthrough Manchester at the Derryfield School. BTM-CB seeks to complete its mission through dedicated advising and support of students, college access and success curriculum on eight College-Bound Saturdays, and a college success culture and community.
This website is a central hub for everything Breakthrough Manchester College-Bound at SNHU. Whether you are looking to learn more about the program, interested in the student community, seeking student resources (like College-Planning), or just making sure that you don't miss an event, welcome! We're glad you're here!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at
-Ben Gentry
BTMCB at SNHU College-Bound Director