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Breakthrough Manchester College-Bound at SNHU (BTM-CB) is a tuition-free program guided by a mission to give continued support in academic growth, educational enrichment, college-readiness, and essential skill-building to highly motivated, under-resourced high school students while inspiring the next generation of well-rounded leaders and educators. 


BTM-CB continues the college-access pipeline for students who entered the program as rising 7th graders through Breakthrough Manchester at the Derryfield School. BTM-CB seeks to complete its mission through dedicated advising and support of students, college access and success curriculum on eight College-Bound Saturdays, and a college success culture and community.



This website is a central hub for everything Breakthrough Manchester College-Bound at SNHU. Whether you are looking to learn more about the program, interested in the student community, seeking student resources (like College-Planning), or just making sure that you don't miss an event, welcome! We're glad you're here!


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at


-Ben Gentry

BTMCB at SNHU College-Bound Director

BTM-CB, to me, is a place where roadblocks are overcome. At Breakthrough CB what seems impossible becomes possible. Opportunities and relationships are built here, and the environment is full of determined students all chasing the dream of receiving a college degree. Breakthrough CB is one big support system, advisors are always there to answer questions and help guide students to achieve their goals. This program over the years has become a second family to not only me but my peers as well. Without Breakthrough CB I am uncertain if I would be attending college in the fall. I am grateful for all the support, help, and preparation I have received throughout high school from BTM-CB and for the people I’ve met through this program.


—  Kayla A.

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