SNHU School of Education
2500 North River Road
Manchester, NH 03106
6C Points Leaderboard
Updated on Tuesdays!
Current Challenge Time: Jan 11th - Feb 12th
Current Advisory Prize: ​
The top advisory will win Nintendo Switch time for advisory/break (including Mario Kart, Smash Bros., and Jack-box) on Feb 15th
Each student in the top five advisories will win a small prize from the SWAG bag on Feb 15th
Current Student Prizes: ​​​
The top ten students overall will win a prize from the SUPER SWAG bag on Feb 15th
6C Points Overview
What are 6C Points?
BTM-CB's 6C Points are a way to reward you, the students, for being 6C learners. The more you show that you are growing in character, citizenship, communication, critical-thinking, collaboration, and creativity, the more points you will earn. Points are accumulated per student, but also per advisory!
So what do 6C Points actually do and what are “challenges”?
The Breakthrough Manchester at SNHU College-Bound director will assign students challenges. These are goals where a student and/or an advisory needs to get the most points or a certain number of points by a certain date and time to earn a reward. Once the challenge time arrives, winners will be announced and points may be reset for the next challenge.
How do I earn points and who keeps track?
You can earn points by completing small tasks focused on the 6Cs (see the chart below for more information). Your advisor and the director will award you points based on the tasks you’ve completed and keep track for you! You can also see how many points your advisory has by checking out the leaderboard above (Not all individual student points will be displayed, but you can ask your advisor how many you have).
So what are the rewards?
Rewards will vary depending on the challenge, but here are some examples:
Advisory Rewards – Double dining cash for lunch, celebration after-party, ice cream social, etc..
Individual Student Rewards – SNHU Swag, first choice for workshops, school supplies, snacks, etc.
Ways to Earn Points:
Listed below are some of the ways that students can earn points (additional tasks may be announced by the director). A definition of each column is given below.
ATTENDANCE (30 Points):
Students will earn “6C” points just by attending BTM-CB events such as CB Saturdays, Campus Visits, Community Service, Community Events, Study Halls, etc. Typically, students will be award 30 Points for attendance. If a student is unable to attend an event, they can earn 10 Points simply by notifying the director and their advisor prior to the event.